Joining the VetsWork program under the Mt. Adams Institute was definitely a leap of faith for me. I always knew about AmeriCorps but never knew they had so many programs and one that was specifically for veterans. I am still within the first month of working with the King Conservation District and it is much more than I expected. I have been working with so many great people and have already had nothing but great experiences. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this internship, but my supervisors are all about giving me every opportunity I’d like and don’t hold me back from anything I want to learn more about. Within the first two weeks, I had already worked with GIS, taken a tour at the King County South Treatment Plant, helped with potting native plant and selling them, had a meeting with city officials about upcoming projects and was invited to help lead one coming up, went to work with land owners on stewardship plans, and have been learning about western Washington’s ecology. It’s still early but I can already tell I am going to gain so much knowledge from this internship and was already told about job openings for King County on my third day! There are also a few pictures to kind of show what I’ve been up to so far with this internship.