Thank you, Laura Linn! You will be missed.

by | Field Notes

Laura Linn recently announced that she has accepted a new position and will leave Mt. Adams Institute (MAI) on January 5th. Laura has been with MAI for 9 years and was our first program coordinator. Over the years, she took on ever-increasing responsibility and developed an invaluable informal leadership role, which staff came to depend on. We created the Sr. Coordinator role when we created our formalized organizational structure, and Laura has filled that role ever since.

In addition to supporting interns and their site supervisors, she manages our AmeriCorps compliance data, Department of Labor apprenticeship processes, program evaluations, and a great deal of onboarding and mentoring new coordinators. She has written all of our AmeriCorps standard operating procedures and has been responsible for the day-to-day implementation and improvement of the VetsWork program.  She has focused on maintaining the high level of programming that we expect and has ensured that we did so while staying true to our principles.

This is a great loss for the organization. It was a difficult decision for her, but options for advancement are few in this small organization, and after almost a decade, she was ready to face a new professional challenge.  We have a plan to fill her role, though filling her shoes will be impossible.  A lot of who we are can be attributed to Laura’s commitment and talent over the years. She has grown tremendously while with us and has always pushed us to grow as an organization. 

Thank you, Laura, for nearly a decade of service to Mt. Adams Institute and to our Veterans. You will be missed.