I am a Midwestern girl who grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, where my love of the outdoors blossomed. My childhood was filled with camping trips and exploring the outdoors. Straight out of high school I joined the Marine Corps. I enlisted as a supply warehouseman. I was fortunate enough to spend two years in Okinawa, Japan. I was then stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. Once I completed my four years as a Marine, I started my journey of schooling. Currently I am a student at East Carolina University. My degree will be a B.S. in the field of environmental health science. I decided to pursue this degree because the variety of things you can do with it. I wanted to join the program because I think it will help me gain more knowledge for the career field I have chosen. What has excited me the most about this program is that I get to help others while I enjoy nature. I love the outdoors so what better place than the Alaskan Frontier to learn about the environmental field.