I’m Roman Miles and I’m originally from Ventura, CA. I’ve lived in Maui in the 70’s as a young boy, Oklahoma as a teenager and from there, I enlisted in the Army at 18. Boot Camp in Ft. Leonard Wood changed my life forever. It was very exciting for me. I learned my military occupation specialty (MOS) 25Q – Illustrator in Denver and I was recruited to the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) Ft. Myer, VA. Eventually I was deployed to the Persian Gulf Crisis in 1990/91 and attached to 4th Psychological Operations, Ft. Bragg, NC. While in Desert Shield / Storm, I was 1 of 5 illustrators that drew psychological propaganda. I turned 21 the day the war officially started. When I returned, I was reassigned to Signal Corps and worked at VIC (Visual Information Center) The Pentagon. My 5 year enlistment ended in 1993 but my excitement to explore the world I live in, never stopped. In June 2020, I decided to step away from my previous occupation in Luxury Retail Management and I started my 4,200 mile adventure moving west to Alaska from Washington DC. I always wanted to live in the Last Frontier, at least for a few years anyway. As I am getting settled with the great outdoors, I started seeking opportunities that I could invest my energy, enthusiasm and respect for the environment, by joining an organization that does just that. I found the Mt. Adams Institute! I am thrilled to discover the Fleet Assistant Internship position here in Anchorage, AK with the Chugach National Forest. I expect to learn invaluable skills that will allow me the technical know-how of managing a fleet of 120+ assets! I am starting another chapter in my life with a matching new adventure and eventually, a new career in forest management and preservation. In this day and age of climate issues, Mother Nature needs all the protection she can get. I hope to do my part as I listen to the call of the wild in my heart!