2024 VetsWork: Logan Walker

by | VW 2024, VW Display

Hi! My name is Logan Walker. I split my youth between the fields of South Georgia and the Appalachian Mountains. I was always an outdoorsy kid, but my love for the natural environment really took off when I moved to the mountains. I quickly fell into a wonderful group of educators and students, who taught me the incredible value of stewardship. They changed the course of my life. A course that I would continue to foster after joining the US Navy. Most of my free time was dedicated to either volunteer service or having an absolute blast in many of the west coast’s incredible parks and wildernesses. I am thrilled about the opportunity to take part in this program, and very grateful to Mt. Adams Institute for the chance. I have wanted to build a life in conservation and stewardship, since I was very young. I am very excited to dig in to what my internship has to offer, find what really calls to me in the field, and start a very real, hopefully very long career. Doing what I love, no less!