Greeting and salutations, my name is Darrell. I was born in Lawton, OK and spent most my life moving state from state. Before graduating high school, I’d already lived in nine states and attended dozens of different schools. This upbringing gave me an adaptive mindset that served me well while serving in the Marine Corps. I enlisted in 2009 and attended boot camp at Paris Island. My primary MOS was 0481 (landing support specialist). I spent my first few years in the Corp learning to do Port Ops, Helicopter external lifts and railway ops. From there I worked on Kadena air base as a Flight line representative. After a year there, I was stationed on a Marine Expeditionary Unit assigned with doing humanitarian missions across the South Pacific. After Deploying to Afghanistan in 2015, I returned to the states and finished my enlistment on Camp Pendleton, CA.
Throughout all my traveling, nature has been a constant passion of mine. I always enjoy spending time out among Mother Nature. That is what drew me to MAI. Being able to work on public lands and help preserve the most beautiful parts of this country is what excites me most about this opportunity.