Hello, my name is Dalton. I recently moved to Pineville, KY, but I grew up in a small rural/agricultural town in Southwest Nebraska. I thrived in Nebraska state recreation areas with the small amount of outdoors I had. I grew up loving to fish and explore what little habitat is left, with a profound fascination for aquatic species. After high school, I immediately signed up for the Navy as a rescue swimmer. However, after an injury, I ended up being a helicopter mechanic. It seemed to be a fitting position as the men in my family are all mechanics in trade. After my service, I felt I needed to follow in their shoes and sign up for auto body school classes. Quickly realizing this wasn’t for me, I switched schools and my degree to something better aligned with my childhood outdoors side. As of December 2020, I have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology, focusing on ecology.
I decided to become a part of the Mt. Adams Institute VetsWork team for a few reasons. I believe this internship provides a massive opportunity for veterans to network with employers in their field. Among this, however, is the opportunity to share what the great outdoors has to offer the community. Through this internship, I hope to encourage others with the enthusiasm I have found through my experiences and education. I thoroughly believe that connection with nature is a predominant factor in protecting our ecosystems. I am also excited to work hands-on with colleagues from different fields and expand my horizons and ensure our recreational areas are well maintained. My biggest goals for this experience are to get hands-on experience with the various departments associated with the U.S. Forest Service and to try to get others involved in the outdoors.