2024 VetsWork: Colton Long

by | VW 2024, VW Display

My name is Colton. I grew up in Northern Michigan, so an internship with one of the various locations of the Forest Service in the US felt like a great choice. I was raised to fish and hunt, and time on the water felt right. I was in the medical services while serving in the United States Air Force, but I decided I might not want to do that for my whole life. I also did some time in college for various fields (cooking, anthropology, and archeology) but didn’t find anything that seemed particularly sustainable.

I was recommended to look into outdoor positions like bear guards in Alaska or the VetsWork program after deciding that I had yet to find a path I was happy with. I love the outdoors, so it sounded like a good idea, and getting somewhere new is a good way to shake life up and improve. So I applied to several positions with VetsWork, but given my love of fishing, the Biological Assistant in Six Rivers National Forest was a perfect fit, and luckily, I snagged the position. I can’t wait to get set up and start learning!