Channeling the Stories of the Local Watershed

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What is this Watershed Rock Opera, anyways?! Read about it in, Channeling the Stories of the Local Watershed, an article in the most recent edition of Oregon Humanities magazine in which producer, Sarah Fox, writes about the project’s origin-story and some Sense of Place alumni share their unique perspectives on the Gorge.

A Local Note of Appreciation from Sense of Place

To all of our LOCAL news sources – Thank You. So many Gorge stories would go untold if it wasn’t for local sources sharing them — that’s a big deal.

From radio to written, digital to hard-copy newspapers and magazines – we are so fortunate to still have local sources that seek out and share our collective history. Without them, stories that impact the Gorge would be fractured to sources not rooted in this place, if they were shared at all. Not having these local sources and stories would eventually impact us all.

So as we launch into 2025, we want to thank the writers, reporters, radio hosts, publishers, editors, the people who are doing their best, often with limited budgets, to document and share our collective Gorge story – and convey our community’s sense of place. It is essential.

And we want to thank all of you who subscribe, read, tune in and support these local sources. Our community is better for it. If you aren’t already, consider supporting one (or many!) of these essential, local, news sources.