2024 Land Stewards: Aaron Lindsey

by | LS 2024, LS Display

My name is Aaron Lindsey. I grew up in Maryland in a small town called Hancock. I later moved to Hagerstown. I do not recommend visiting either of these places. I was fortunate enough to have two parents who thoroughly enjoyed the outdoors and consistently took me on their adventures. My dad was a ski instructor and my mom was a ski patroller as well as many other outdoor jobs. They had me skiing at the age of two and I’ve never really slowed down since then. My favorite thing to do in the outdoors is to ride dirt bikes. I’ve been ridding since I was 13 and my passion for dirt bikes has taken me all over the country. I attended Garrett College in western MD and did their adventure sports program where I made new connections and met many awesome people.

I had never heard of the Land Stewards program no one had ever talked about it. I was living in Florida looking for jobs, with no idea that such an awesome job existed. While I was applying for jobs down there, I came across the trail steward job by accident and I knew immediately there was no job I would want more. I am most excited about experiencing Washington and making new connections. I have never been to Washington but I have heard so many great things. I am excited to share my experiences and make new ones. I hope to do work like this for the rest of my life and this internship is the first step in the right direction.