Hello! My name is Jodie Robinson, recent college graduate and Air Force veteran. I’m originally from California, born and raised, where I spent a lot of my younger years on the road with my dad visiting many natural and historical places of interest in the western states. After enlisting in the military, I became a logistician in a contingency squadron, which became one of the best experiences of my life. As all good things come to an end, I left active duty, continued to participate in the military as a reservist, and enrolled in school. I now reside in southwest Washington with my husband and my dog. My hobbies include cooking, reading, photography, and mapping out potential drives and hikes for my continuing exploration of the western states. Regretfully, I haven’t been camping since moving here, but I enjoy nature walks, visiting historical sites, and finding dog-friendly parks for my German shepherd mix to frolic. I have an interest in geology and the changes in physical landforms and have now excitedly graduated recently with a degree in geography. I hope to find a career that continues my learning of the environment that surrounds us.
I applied to the Mt. Adams Institute AmeriCorps Internship program almost immediately after learning about it. Not only did it seem like a valuable resource for a veteran transitioning back into the civilian workforce, but it also encompassed many of the values that I hold for the natural environment and offered positions working with federal agencies that I have dreamed of working for. I’m quite excited to be able to meet and network with professionals at NOAA with the hope of guiding my interests in geography and GIS into a rewarding career choice. I still can’t say I know what I want to be when I grow up, but I believe this experience may help me answer that question.