2023 VetsWork: Jeremy Thatcher

by | VW 2023, VW Display

My name is Jeremy Thatcher. I grew up in Los Angeles, California. Being a kid in Los Angeles, my parents would take me west to the beach, north to the mountains, and east to the deserts. With access to such diverse environments within such a short drive of my house, I developed a great appreciation for the outdoors and a realization that I wanted to pursue a career that allowed me to aid in its protection of it. Whether I was hiking, skiing, surfing, or scuba diving, I always felt that there was nothing more important to my own health and well-being than the health and well-being of the environments that I enjoyed so much. I decided to major in Environmental Studies at the University of Southern California, and my time there amplified my passion and self-commitment to this cause I so deeply care about.

I decided to join the Mt. Adams Institute AmeriCorps program to feed my craving for outdoor exploration as well as my pursuit to do my part in protecting it. I will be serving as a habitat restoration specialist and will have the opportunity to build my professional repertoire immersed in the beauty of Alaska. While I could not be more excited to experience and provide my service to the last frontier, I am most excited to be able to work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in my efforts. I know this will be an experience full of opportunities rare to find anywhere else and will help propel me into my future endeavors.