2023 VetsWork: Jared Gonzalez

by | VW 2023, VW Display

Born in the wide open plains of Texas but raised in the temperate mountain valley cradle of southwest Washington, I’ve always loved being in the woods, by a lake, up in the mountains of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, or all of the above, regardless of my purpose or activity. Some of my fondest memories have been lakeside camping trips with family in my early childhood. However, the appreciation and passion I have for this place would not be realized until after I had enlisted in the US Navy out of high school and been sent across the country to live in coastal Virginia. It was here that I would quickly realize where I was meant to be.

The Mt. Adams Institute VetsWork program has allowed me to finally enter into a field that directly relates to the stewardship and conservation of these lands. For a few years now, I’ve wanted to work directly in the woods and be more hands-on with the land, which is exactly what I’m looking forward to with this internship.