2023 VetsWork: Andrew Nash

by | VW 2023, VW Display

My name is Andrew Nash. I grew up in Central Oregon, where I spent much of my time outdoors, working
on our small farm, riding bikes, and hiking nearby Smith Rock State Park. After graduating High School, I
joined the Air Force, where I pursued a career in Law Enforcement. My first duty station was located in the
panhandle of Florida, which to my surprise, offered just as much variety of outdoor activities as growing
up in Oregon did. I left the Air Force in 2015 and enrolled at National University, San Diego, CA, to
complete my Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.

I decided to become an Mt. Adams Institute AmeriCorps Intern after learning about all the great
opportunities the program had to offer. I worked various jobs after leaving the Air Force, but the work I
enjoy the most is with my hands and outdoors. When I stumbled across the Intern program at Mt. Adams,
I knew I would be doing work that I actually enjoyed and was passionate about. Additionally, one of my
short-term goals is to earn a degree in either Forestry or Geology. I hope to gain as much knowledge as
possible from the Forest Service in those subjects and others to use my education award
to pursue such a degree.