2023 VetsWork: Allison Kaper

by | VW 2023, VW Display

My name is Allison Kaper. I grew up in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania. I’ve always loved being outdoors and spent most of my time as a kid digging around, looking for frogs, salamanders, and any other critters I could watch for a little while. To this day, I still spend most of my free time hiking and photographing all the incredible plants and animals I happen to come across. When I graduated from high school, I wasn’t quite sure what I really wanted to do, so after a year in college, I decided to join the Navy. I spent six years in the Navy as an Intelligence Specialist before getting out and deciding to finish my degree in biology at Northern Michigan University in the Upper Peninsula.

I decided to apply for my position at the Mt. Adams Institute because it seemed like the perfect stepping stone after graduation and a way to get my foot in the door doing something I really love. I’ve never been to Alaska before, so in addition to all the experience and knowledge I’ll be tapping into, I’m so excited and ready to embrace this new adventure and all it offers.